Web marketing software making ideas

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Software Building - Make software -

You can use "Make Your Own Software" to create a downloadable software application in minutes! I'd call this: "The most important download of my life." I highly recommend getting your hands on this one while it's still available.

Software Building - make software for win XP so fast it's almost frightening, because you can also profit from it that fast!

Or use it as marketing software either for viral marketing or as a standalone product such as a web page generator or sales letter generator.

Ed. Jan.13

Tuesday, January 11, 2005



This webmaster tool for windows XP is a very clever system indeed!

It generates unlimited numbers of optimized, high ranking web pages.. all from your own list of key-phrases. It even goes out and harvests keywords from the search engines!

I personally have communicated with the author, Jeff Alderson, throughout the six months since I first purchased his traffic generating product Traffic Equalizer. So far I feel he's been very responsive, answering all my emails, and he's been very open to my web site optimization suggestions. By the way, in one of the emails he sent to one purchaser, he said: "I recently launched a dating review site. It had Zero traffic (a brand new site, not yet indexed by Google). Three months later it's up to 30,000/month!". Now that's something to write home about. I sure hope that my 16 sites can achieve that kind of success. With Jeff's help -no problem!


Generating web site traffic

Every webmaster will realize that this is a must-have tool for SEM. (Search Engine Marketing)


Tools and Resources for Software Making

Another resources site for Make Software - is 'Free Web Tools and Internet Tools by metroflow' although if you visit here we still highly recommend MYOS by Mike Chen.

Already, hundreds of downloadable .exe programs have been given out to date: 12 January 2005 and we'll supply you links for getting free samples!

e.g. here's one! Visit that :: MYOS offer page then at the very bottom left you'll see a link to the site homepage. Go there: http://web-tools.replysystem.net/ and at the top you'll see a banner with your SAMPLES offer!
